About me

Photo of Bradford Hovinen

I've been a passionate software developer since I first picked up BASIC on an IBM PC as a kid. Over more than 30 years, I have witnessed a whirlwind of trends and technologies, from the agile revolution to "mobile first" to the latest hype of AI and machine learning. Some trends come and go, but a core wisdom continues to hold true.

I firmly believe that the cheapest way to build software sustainably is to build it well. This means starting with a deep understanding of the problem domain and the customer's needs. It means thinking strategically, not just reacting tactically as issues arise. And it means consistently applying strong engineering practices. It is a terrible disservice to cobble something together, toss it over the fence, and run.

Software development is as much about people as about technology. One must constantly listen: to the customer, the product manager, the UX researcher and designer, one's fellow software engineers. To learn what it means to really listen was for me an immensely worthwhile investment.

Some of my accomplishments over the last few years are:

After several years employed as a software engineer and later as a tech lead/manager, I am now offering consulting and software development services as a freelancer. Feel free to reach out!